
As a college student, you know that scholarships are not easy to come by. Scholarships could be the difference between taking out student loans or being able to pay for your education with cash. It’s a daunting task trying to write a compelling answer about why you deserve this scholarship ...
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As routine as transferring from a college to a university is, you can become quite anxious or confused during the process. If students are prepared, they can avoid a few hiccups during the transfer. Today we show you nine essential steps to ensure your transferring process goes smoothly and...
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As a student, there are a bunch of scholarships available for you. You can check out all of your options on this page and try to locate the appropriate award for yourself. This coul...
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Young people who haven’t yet started high school can still feel themselves edging closer to college. When they do, they’ll want to know the answer to one important question: When do you start your freshman year of college? That depends on a number of factors, starting with your intended ...
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