Three annual $2500 scholarships for high-school, undergraduate or graduate students who live or attend school in the state of Texas.
Full Description
Bounce Energy is a Texas-based electricity company, providing also customer rewards, community charity support opportunities, and other convenient products and customer services.
They offer three scholarships, with a total value of $7500 (equally divided between three selected winners, $2500 each) to high-school, undergraduate or graduate students who live and study in the state of Texas, and who have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
The applicants are required to write a 500 words essay in which they explain how they consider themselves to be more than just students. The winners will be selected by a committee of ten members considering the applicants’ academic performance based upon the transcript provided (25%), and the quality of their essay (75%). The quality of the essays will be judged upon the applicant’s community involvement, future career goals, hobbies, interests, personal strengths and leadership qualities.
The application process is open form March 14 2025 to June 30, 2025, and the winners will be announced by August 31, 2025.
Who's eligible?
- The applicants must be current high school seniors or college students
- They should be less than 24 years of age
- They must have a minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale
- They should reside or attend school in Texas
- They should not be employees of Bounce Energy and its respective departments and/or family members or persons living in the same households of/as the Bounce Energy employees
How to Apply
The applicants must complete and submit the online form on the scholarship’s website no later than June 30, 2025 and include the following additional information:
- Name of the applicant
- Name, address and contract details of his/her school, college or university
- The applicant’s official or unofficial transcript
Each applicant is allowed to submit a single original essay, free of plagiarism. The applications must be solely submitted through the online form and emailed or mailed applications will not be considered for entry and will be destroyed upon receiving them.
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