CANFIT Nutrition, Physical Education and Culinary Arts Scholarships

  • Deadline: 03/31/2025
  • Renewable: Unknown
  • Number of Awards: Not Available
  • Award Amount: Not Available
  • Website:
  • Phone: 510-644-1533
  • Fax: 510-644-1535
  • Email:
  • Address: 2140 Shattuck Ave Suite 1110 Berkeley, CA 94704

CANFIT offers both undergraduate and graduates scholarships and its main goal is to encourage more students to consider careers that will improve adolescent nutrition and fitness.

Full Description

The applicants will be notified of award status by June 15th.

Who's eligible?

There are different eligibility requirements for undergraduate and graduate scholarships, so make sure you get familiar with the right one:

Graduate Applicant Requirements

  • Enrollment in an approved master level or doctoral graduate program in Nutrition, Public Health or Physical Education; or American Dietetic Association
  • Approved Pre-professional Practice Program at an accredited university in California.
  • 12-15 units of graduate course work completed and verified with an official copy of university transcript and a 3.0 or better GPA (cumulative).
  • Ethnic student affiliation of African-American, American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian-American, Pacific Islander or Latino/Hispanic descent.

Undergraduate Applicant Requirements

  • Enrollment in an approved bachelor level program in Nutrition or Physical Education at an accredited (WASC) university in California.
  • 50-semester units (or equivalent) of college credits completed with an official copy of college transcript and a 2.5 or better GPA (cumulative).
  • Ethnic student affiliation of African-American, American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian-American, Pacific Islander or Latino/Hispanic descent.

There are specific requirements for the Culinary Arts Applicant and those are:

  • Enrollment in a culinary arts college in California.
  • Ethnic student affiliation of African-American, American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian-American, Pacific Islander or Latino/Hispanic descent.
  • Prior completed units (or equivalent) of college credits not necessary to apply.

How to Apply

As you are one of the eligible candidates, you are wondering how to apply for these awards

You will need to complete the application packet and send it by March 31st.

The packet should consist of:

  • A completed and signed Application Cover Sheet.
  • A completed and signed Statement of Financial Status.
  • Recommendations from TWO individuals, professors, employers, community leaders
  • A letter describing your academic goals and involvement in community nutrition and/or physical education activities.
  • A 500-1,000-word essay on the following topic: Youth from low-income communities of color often do not have access to safe areas for physical activity or affordable fresh fruits and vegetables. What steps can the average adult take on a personal, community and national level to combat these conditions?
  • A photograph of yourself
  • One copy of official transcripts of graduate course work to 12-15 units or official transcripts of all college work to accrue 50 units while Culinary Arts students do not need to send in transcripts.

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