This year Customized Girl is offering scholarships of $500 to five winners. The scholarships are open to undergraduate students and high school students who are planning to enroll in college.
Full Description
The Customized Girl is a growing company selling custom t-shirts and a community of statement makers. The scholarships they offer aim to promote the creation of customized t-shirts (and wearing them) for empowering the new generation’s abilities and skills.
In order to get enrolled in the selection process applicants should write a catchy tweet and fill out a form powered by Google to be found on the Customized Girl website.
A panel of unbiased judges will select of the winners. The statement must be interesting, funny, and clever in order to be successfully selected. Originality and uniqueness are highly encouraged.
There are five scholarships of $500 each. The applications need to be submitted by December 31, 2025. The winners will be announced by January 31, 2026.
Who's eligible?
High school students planning to enroll in colleges and universities, as well as undergraduate students are eligible for this scholarship. The scholarship is open to everyone, not only to girls.
How to Apply
The applicants should follow three simple steps as described on the Customized Girl website:
- They should write an original and unique statement on Twitter, including the link of the scholarship page
- They should fill the form that from the scholarship’s website, and to include their statement.
- Applicants should not forget to Tweet at Customized Girl and tag @CustomizedGirl, as well as to include the link of the scholarship page itself.
In case the applicants have any questions or concerns they are encouraged to send an email to, including “Scholarship” in the subject line, or fill directly the scholarship form and include in the form itself any questions or concerns.
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