Edward C. Bryant Scholarship for an Outstanding Graduate Student in Survey Statistics

  • Deadline: 03/01/2025
  • Renewable: Unknown
  • Number of Awards: Not Available
  • Award Amount: $2,500
  • Website: www.amstat.org
  • Phone: (703) 684-1221
  • Fax: (703) 684-2037
  • Email: asainfo@amstat.org
  • Address: 732 North Washington Street Alexandria, VA 22314-1943

Westat is a statistical firm which is one of the world’s leading statistical research corporations.

The Edward C. Bryant Scholarship Trust Fund exists since 1995 and has given so much great support to students trying to reach higher education goals and achieve success in the field of statistics.

The Fund is established to honor its co-founder Edward C. Bryant.

Full Description

The Edward C. Bryant Scholarship Trust Fund offers one scholarship award annually and the lucky receiver will get a certificate and cash prize of $2,500.


Who's eligible?

There is not such a strict criteria, when it comes to this scholarship, but all the submitted applications will be reviewed by the ASA Bryant Scholarship Award Committee and according to the following criteria, they will chose the applicant whose application best matches the organization’s mission and requirements:

  • Potential to contribute to survey statistics
  • Applied experience in survey statistics
  • Performance in graduate school

How to Apply

On the official website of the organization you can find the Edward C. Bryant Scholarship for an Outstanding Graduate Student in Survey Statistics Application Form which should be filled out.

There are eleven fields which have to be filled and the application process requires the attachment of the following documents:

  • your CV
  • your one page personal essay
  • three letters of reference which will not be longer than two pages each
  • your all academic transcripts (unofficial transcripts acceptable)
  • and your headshot.

All the attached documentation should appear as a .pdf file and should be submitted online.

When the personal essay is in question, it should be about why are you are interested in studying survey statistics and what are your intentions related to the use of your graduate training in survey methods.

A headshot is required for JSM marketing and publication purposes and it has to be a high resolution head and shoulder photo saved as  .eps, .jpg, or .tiff file.

When filling out the application form, you will have to write your ASA member number, the information about all universities or colleges attended and in case you did not receive a degree yet, you should provide the semester/quarters in attendance as a full-time student.

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