FMC Ice Sports Skaters Scholarship

  • Deadline: 05/01/2025
  • Renewable: Unknown
  • Number of Awards: Not Available
  • Award Amount: Not Available
  • Website:
  • Phone: 1-888-74-SKATE
  • Fax: 781.826.3089
  • Email:
  • Address: 100 Schoosett Street, Building 3 Pembroke, MA 02359

The FMC Ice Sports Skaters Scholarship exists since 1993 and its aim is to provide financial assistance to ice sports people who are showing a great interest and success in ice sports fields.

The awards are given to ice hockey, figure skating and recreational skaters every year and the organization boasts 25 years of existence and over $400,000 in education scholarships.

With their mission to help young people who do not have enough financial assets, they work on advancement and improvement of the ice sports field in general.

Full Description

The scholarship is awarded every year in June, to youngsters who are ready to achieve great success on and off the ice.

The cost of higher education might come as an obstacle in achieving this goal, so this organization is there to support them and offer them financial help in surpassing these obstacles.

Who's eligible?

The criteria related to eligibility for this scholarship is that the applicant must be New England residents and skate at FMC arenas, to possess successful performance and involvement in extracurricular and community activities.

The application must be sent before May 1 as late entries will not be reviewed.

The winners will be selected by a review committee and the priority will be give to those who have better accomplishments and leadership on the ice.

How to Apply

You can either send your application via online application form which can be found on the official website or download it and send it to the following mailing address:

2018 FMC Ice Sports Skaters Scholarship
100 Schoosett Street, Bldg 3
Pembroke, MA 02359

If you choose to send it online, you will need to attach all the necessary documentation as additional files.

Also, the same documentation, but the printed versions, should be send via mail.

The additional documentation includes:

  • Student resume of the past four years, including skating/hockey background,  community service, honors and awards with the grade he/she had during each activity
  • 500 word essay in which you will describe how skating had a significant influence on your life
  • letter of recommendation from a teacher or coach
  • official high school transcripts, and
  • SAT or ACT scores.

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