Foundation for the Carolinas Scholarships

  • Deadline: 11/30/2025
  • Renewable: Yes
  • Number of Awards: 148
  • Award Amount: $2,200
  • Website:
  • Phone: 704.973.4500
  • Fax: Not Available
  • Email:
  • Address: 220 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202

The Foundation for the Carolinas offered scholarships totaling more than $1.8 Million in 2015 alone.

The 148 scholarship awards covered by the foundation are divided into various categories, based on student’s interests and needs in academic pursuits.

Full Description

Independent donors contribute to the scholarship kitty at Foundation for the Carolinas.

Scholarship awards from the foundation aim to assist students working toward academic excellence.

Graduate and undergraduate students in both public and private institutions of learning have the opportunity to benefit from the grant.

The foundation further states on its website that, students from private K-12 schools can apply and secure the scholarship.

The selection of the appropriate category goes a long way in the success of submitted applications. The applicant can select from the wide range of subjects and interests.

The application is made within the specified category. The funds awarded for each scholarship category reflect on the needs of the student, and the nature of the area of study.

Who's eligible?

As stated on the foundation’s website, the different categories of interest pose unique requirements in the qualification for scholarship. However, the common requirements for application direct that the applicant:

  • Be an undergraduate or graduate
  • Be attending a private of public institution of learning, or
  • Students in K-12 private schools

How to Apply

In light of the numerous scholarships offered through the foundation’s philanthropy, the applicant is advised to make use the following procedure in the course of application:

  • Log on to the foundation’s website and select your area of interest in academia
  • Following the directions in your selection, proceed to provide the required information,
  • Fill in the required information and upload the requested documents, or
  • Send a paper application through the given contact information on the application page.

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