GRCF Violet Wondergem Health Science Scholarship

  • Deadline: 03/01/2025
  • Renewable: Unknown
  • Number of Awards: Not Available
  • Award Amount: Not Available
  • Website:
  • Phone: 616-454-1751
  • Fax: Not Available
  • Email:
  • Address: 185 Oakes SW Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Grand Rapids Community Foundation was founded so as to provide financial help through various scholarships annually primarily to Kent County students.

One of its scholarships is the Violet Wondergem Health Science Scholarship which is aimed at people who could benefit from education, as they are majoring in a health service-related field, but have financial difficulties in reaching this goal.

The foundation emphasizes the importance of support when higher education expenses are in question.

Full Description

You are supposed to send one general application, and once you do that, you get the possibility of being awarded one of more than 500 scholarships provided by Grand Rapids Community Foundation.

The application deadline for all scholarships belonging to this foundation is March 1st.

You need to gather your documentation and then review the list of scholarships available through Grand Rapids Community Foundation to see which one will be the most suitable for you.

It is important to regularly check your email via which you will be notified about important things related to the scholarship.

Who's eligible?

To be eligible for the Violet Wondergem Health Science Scholarship, future applicants have to meet eligibility criteria.

Firstly, the award is available only to those students who are residents of Kent or Ottawa counties.

They need to be majoring in a health service-related field at any accredited Michigan college or university.

Being that this is a need-based scholarship, applicants must have financial need and prove it through FASFA reports.

Last, but not the least, this scholarship is given to people who deserve it, so they need to have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.

How to Apply

These are the materials you will need for the application:

You need to provide a list of your awards and volunteer/employment/extracurricular activities

You must submit the academic transcript from the most recent semester – high school seniors must include the first-semester senior year.

The applicants are required to write an essay about your reasons for the choice of college, chosen course of study, career goals, plans for financing your education, and information on past activities benefiting your community.

Your financial information including family income provided through FASFA reports.

The scholarship committee is comprised of volunteers from all over Kent County.

They will review applications and determine the winner.

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