Herb Kohl Excellence Scholarship Program

  • Deadline: 11/25/2025
  • Renewable: Unknown
  • Number of Awards: 100
  • Award Amount: $5,000
  • Website: http://www.kohleducation.org/students/homepur.html
  • Phone: 608-283-3131
  • Fax: Not Available
  • Email: www.homeschooling-wpa.org
  • Address: P.O. Box 2502 Madison, WI 53701-2502

One hundred annual $5,000 Excellence Scholarships awarded to Wisconsin high school graduates or homeschooled students on the basis of their leadership and citizenship skills, school and community involvement and academic achievement with the purpose of encouraging them to pursue postsecondary education at public or nonpublic college, university or vocation/technical school.

Full Description

The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation is an organization aiming to support talented students and teachers from the state of Wisconsin to pursue their education and career.

They offer yearly 100 Excellence Scholarships of $5,000 to either high-school graduates or homeschooled students from Wisconsin on the basis of their leadership and citizenship skills, involvement in community service, entrepreneurialism and probable success in their future academic education. In order to apply candidates must submit a 300 to 500 words essay describing their educational, personal, community-related and career-related goals, as well as three letters of recommendation.

The deadline for the applications is November 25, 2025 and the successful candidates will be notified by early March, 2026.

Who's eligible?

  • Applicants must be either high-school graduates or homeschooled students intending to enroll in a postsecondary educational institution, such as a college, university or vocation/technical school
  • They must be residents of the State of Wisconsin
  • They should be able to demonstrate probable success in their future postsecondary studies

How to Apply

In order to apply candidates should fill in an application form detailing their leadership and participation in music, speech, athletic and other school and community activities, as well as their work experience, hobbies, interests and special talents, and submit it either by email or post no later than November 25, 2025. Additional documents should include:

  • A 300 to 500 words essay describing the candidate’s goals in the following areas: education, personal life, community service and career
  • Three letters of recommendation from a teacher, a community member and a family friend


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