Jim & Anna Hyonjoo Lint Scholarship

Several $1500 scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students who are pursuing a higher education degree in Counterintelligence, International Affairs, and National Security Studies at a college or university in the United States.

Full Description

The Lint Center for National Security Studies is a non-profit organization created to support the educational development of the American Counterintelligence and the National Security Workers.

They offer a $1500 scholarship program to support undergraduate or graduate students who are interested in pursuing a high education degree in Counterintelligence, International Affairs or National Security Studies. The scholarship is designed to assist with tuition fees and other educational costs (e.g. books and course materials).

The applicants are required to write a 600 to 800 words essay discussing an issue related to the importance of Counterintelligence, International Affairs, and National Defense and/or National Security. The quality of the essays will be judged according to their authors’ capacity to incorporate the Lint Center for National Security Studies’ goals, concepts and mission, the original/ground-breaking ideas and solutions, as well as the creative/interdisciplinary perspectives used in the formulation of the essays.

In addition to the $1500 amount, the winners will benefit from a year of mentorship provided by a National Security professional member as well as a year of subscription to the STRATFOR.com, one of the world’s leading intelligence services.

The deadline for the application is July 31, 2025.

Who's eligible?

Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students pursuing a degree in Counterintelligence, International Affairs, and National Security Studies.

Students from any race, color or national origin/ethnicity are encouraged to apply.

How to Apply

The applicants must complete an online application form by July 31, 2025 and include the following additional information/documents:

  • Name of the applicant and personal contact details
  • Name, address and contract details of his/her school, college or university
  • The applicant’s current grade level
  • Name, address and contract details of his/her academic advisor
  • The essay

Scholarship listed under: Business Scholarships, Nevada Scholarships

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