Ohio News Media Foundation University Journalism Scholarship

  • Deadline: 04/19/2025
  • Renewable: Unknown
  • Number of Awards: 2
  • Award Amount: $2,000
  • Website: https://www.ohionews.org/aws/ONA/pt/sp/Scholarships
  • Phone: 614-486-6677 x1010
  • Fax: Not Available
  • Email: mwidner@ohionews.org
  • Address: 1335 Dublin Road Suite 216 B Columbus, OH 43215

The Ohio News Media Foundation University Journalism Scholarship awards two scholarships of $2,000 each to students who are enrolled in an Ohio college or university and who are majoring in journalism, advertising, marketing, or communications.

The main aim of this scholarship is to attract and support more talented young people majoring in journalism, advertising, marketing, and communications to keep on studying and pursuing their higher educational goals.

Full Description

The submission of the application and all other material required should be done before the deadline and can be either mailed to Ohio News Media Foundation University Journalism Scholarship, 1335 Dublin Road, Suite 216-B, Columbus, Ohio 43215 or emailed in PDF format to mwidner@ohionews.org.

The scholarship winner will be known on May 30th.

Who's eligible?

What interested students want to know about any scholarship are the eligibility criteria.

It is set by the scholarship committee so as to make it easier to determine the most deserving candidate.

Eligible applicants must be enrolled as sophomore, junior or senior at an Ohio college or university and have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 (C+).

This has to be proved by the student’s college transcript which must accompany the application.

If you meet these requirements, you are encouraged to apply for this amazing award.

How to Apply

Bear in mind the fact that application forms must be typed or printed legibly by the applicant and that you need to be able to write an autobiography of 750 to 1,000 words in which you will be describing your academic and career interests, previous awards, extracurricular activities, and any journalism-related activities.

Additionally, the application must include two letters of recommendation from college or university faculty members who will be able to speak about the applicant’s work and career interests and say why he/she is the most deserving.

Finally, the eligible student should provide writing samples as pdf files.

The application package should be submitted prior to the deadline on April 30th

Interested applicants can download the application form from the scholarship provider’s official website once the application process starts.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file.

Scholarship listed under: Journalism Scholarships, Ohio Scholarships

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