Out To Protect is the organization which is aimed at creating a greater awareness of the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgender people who are interested in law enforcement career.
Actually, the organization is there to offer support through various scholarships which are funded by private donations from those people who believe that their goal is wise, generous and worth.
It all started as a means of helping gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgender people eager to enter high education system, but need some kind of financial support.
Full Description
Out To Protect provides scholarships for law enforcement recruits who are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, and they help educational activities so as to raise the awareness of their possible professional success,
If you consider yourself eligible and you can demonstrate that you can meet the scholarship criteria, you can submit an application for an Out To Protect Scholarship up to May 31st.
The award winners will be known by June 2025 and they might get either $500 or $1000 award.
Who's eligible?
This great organization is there to help LGBT population grow and become professional, and they have certain requirements that you must meet so as to be eligible for its support.
First and foremost, you need to identify as gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or transgender and be currently in a law enforcement training program in the United States.
Then, you must show that you can be a positive role model for law enforcement and that you possess capabilities to graduate from a law enforcement training program.
How to Apply
The only way of getting to this organization is via their official website.
There is a contact form, as well as the application form which should be completed and submitted .
Make sure to fill out all the fields, as an incomplete application will not be accepted.
Additionally, you are advised to submit letters of recommendation written and signed by students and academy staff as this will improve the possibility of getting the scholarship.
Once you get the letter signed, you should scan it, save it in PDF form, and upload it when filling out the application form.
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