The Primary Health Network Charitable Foundation Scholarships

Investing in a health education is investing in the future of health care as well. Through the scholarship program given to health care students, Medical fields can rest assured that there will always be productive nurses, doctors and other health care professionals to sustain in providing care for the community.

This is the goal of the The Primary Health Network Charitable Foundation Scholarships. Yearly it provides scholarship grants to health care students worth $2,000. Through the good foundation in education, students can become professionals under the medical fields and are further encouraged to give full back service in the community through their health practice.

Full Description

There are about 4 scholarships to be given to students but one must choose only in accordance to its choice. Ever since the year 2005, it has generously given scholars the amount worth $160,000 in aid of their studies financially.

The scholar grantee will be chosen by the foundation and assigned scholarship committee will notify qualified applicants. Payment process for the scholars are directly given to the school enrolled.

Who's eligible?

  • Must write an essay describing how the  applicants foresee future goals in health care fields. essay must not be less than 600 words.
  • Must be actively involved in the visions of the PHN Charitable Foundation
  • Must submit transcript of records with a GPA 3.0 or even higher
  • Applicants must be studying in line with the Administrative/Clinical Healthcare field
  • Must be a resident of a community served by the Primary Health Network facilities

How to Apply

Downloadable application form can be accessed in the website. Just make sure that all requirements are submitted along with the applicants scholarship form. Even the deadline for submitting application has ended but rest assured that it will re open in the next coming months, so just be ready with the requirements anytime application for scholarship will open.

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