Promises Treatment Centers offers three annual fellowships for undergraduate students, enrolled or willing to be enrolled in college or university courses in the United States. The award of $10,000 will be shared between three winners and will assist the payment of their college tuition fees.
Full Description
The Promises Treatment Centers is continuously assisting people (youth and adults) with the best treatment for addiction and mental health disorders. According to their website, some of the Centers’ aims are to help people fulfill their potential and assist them build extraordinary lives.
This scholarship aims to provide similar assistance to students coming from all majors and study areas who are enrolled in a college or university from the United States or have recently been admitted to pursue their future education in such a college or university.
The amount of $10,000 will be shared to three different winners consisting of the $6000 (1st place), $3000 (2nd place), $1000 (3rd place). The application deadline is December 21, 2025 and the winners will be announced in February 2026.
Who's eligible?
- The applicants should be U.S. residents
- They must be over 18 years old
- They should be currently enrolled or admitted to start a program in a college or university from U.S.
How to Apply
Fill the online application form provided at the Promises Treatment Centers website and submit it not later than December 31, 2016.
The applicants are also required to write a 500 words essay on the subject: “How has addiction or mental illness affected you or someone you love?” The essays should be completely clean of grammatical errors or misspellings.
The existence of such errors will cause the immediate rejection of the application. The selection process will be conducted by a committee organized by the Promises Treatment Centers. Among the criteria of the selection are the topic’s relevance, the originality and creativity of the essay and its emotional impact.
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