Richard T. Gates Engineering and Technology Endowed Challenge Scholarship

  • Deadline: 03/16/2025
  • Renewable: Yes
  • Number of Awards: 1
  • Award Amount: $4,000
  • Website:
  • Phone: 888-253-4819
  • Fax: 802-654-3765
  • Email: Not Available
  • Address: 10 East Allen Street P.O. Box 2000 Winooski, VT 05404

The VSAC foundation created the Richard T. Gates Engineering and Technology Endowed Challenge Scholarship to assist the individuals who are in great need of finance being that they cannot provide to pay their academic studies related to science, engineering or technology.

The Richard T. Gates Engineering and Technology Endowed Challenge Scholarship provides only one award annually and there are approximately 16 applicants for this award each year.

Full Description

The VSAC is awarding $4000 to a selected applicant per academic year and a good thing to know is that it is renewable up to three additional years.

The application material has to be submitted prior to the deadline date on 12th February.

The scholarship will determine the most deserving candidate for this funding based on a student’s application documents, academic achievement, and financial need.

Who's eligible?

So as to be considered for the award, you need to meet the eligibility criteria set by the scholarship committee.

  • The applicant must be a legal resident of Vermont who is attending a Windham County high school or Springfield High School.
  • The applicant must seek a bachelor of science degree in engineering or technology and being that this is a need-based scholarship, he/she must demonstrate financial need.
  • Last but not least, students must demonstrate academic achievement.

How to Apply

Once you determine your eligibility, another question that might come to your mind is how to apply for this scholarship.

Applications may be completed either online or in paper form and the application process starts on November 1 which is the moment when they become available.

Future applicants should know that applications are available on the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) website and there they will be able to find the link to the online application form.

To apply, the applicant must complete and submit the VSAC Unified Scholarship Application and determine his or her financial need and academic achievement for this scholarship fund.

He/she has to provide transcripts from a college or institution where he or she is studying, a letter of recommendation from his/her faculty member and also write an essay on the topic which is given by financial aid.

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