The JCB Fellowship Program

  • Deadline: 01/15/2025
  • Renewable: Unknown
  • Number of Awards: Not Available
  • Award Amount: Not Available
  • Website:
  • Phone: Not Available
  • Fax: Not Available
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  • Address: Box 1894 Brown University Providence , RI 02912

The John Carter Brown Library Fellowship Program is there to support graduate students and scholars of the early Americas from the U.S. and abroad.

It is worth mentioning that approximately forty fellowships are awarded annually.

However, they are not available to all people, as the committee determined some requirements that have to be met so that the person is considered eligible.

Full Description

The John Carter Brown Library offers both long and short-term fellowships.

The application deadline is December 1st, and what the students will get is a stipend of $2,100 per month.

You are welcomed to apply for long-term fellowships only if all requirements, including the successful defense of your dissertation, have been met.

Long-Term Fellows will get a monthly stipend of $4,200.

Who's eligible?

Fellowships are available to advance graduate students, scholars, and independent researchers, which means that the main criteria for awards would be the merit and significance of the proposal, the qualifications of the candidate, and the relevance of the Library’s holdings to the proposed research project.

There is a difference between short and long-term fellowships.

Short-term ones are open to individuals who are engaged in pre- and post-doctoral, or independent research, regardless of nationality.

The John Carter Brown Library offers long-term fellowships, as well  and they are available to citizens of the United States or to those applicants residing in the U.S. for the three years before the application.

How to Apply

The application for a short-term fellowship requires a description of the proposed project, current curriculum vitae, a completed application form and two letters of recommendation.

The application process begins on September 1st.

The application for a long-term fellowship at the John Carter Brown Library consists of four parts:

  • A narrative description of the proposed project, including an explanation of its historiographical significance.
  • Current curriculum vitae.
  • A completed application form.
  • Three letters of recommendation from the people who can support their proposed project.

The applications may be submitted to the application portal, Interfolio.

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