Upper Midwest Emmy Chapter/Foundation Scholarships

  • Deadline: 02/05/2025
  • Renewable: Unknown
  • Number of Awards: Not Available
  • Award Amount: $3,000
  • Website: http://midwestemmys.org/category/scholarships/
  • Phone: 952-381-7494
  • Fax: Not Available
  • Email: info@midwestemmys.org
  • Address: 7319 Hunters Run Eden Prairie, MN 55346

The NATAS-Upper Midwest Chapter/Foundation is proud to announce that it offers $2,500 student scholarship grants which can be used for tuition and books.

Full Description

Each year, NATAS-UMW Foundation awards several scholarships to students, thanks to help from generous sponsors.

The amount varies each year and the award reaches $4,000 in scholarships awarded to two area students.

Who's eligible?

Just like any other scholarship, this one has certain eligibility criteria set by the scholarship committee that has to be fulfilled in order to be accepted as a possible winner.

The Upper Midwest Emmy Chapter/Foundation Scholarships are available to high school and college/university students living in the five-state area served by the Upper Midwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, and those are Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa & western Wisconsin.

Those who meet the eligibility criteria are highly encouraged to apply for this award, while ineligible candidates should not waste their time applying, being that their applications will be rejected.


How to Apply

When the application procedure is in question, the applicants must submit a completed scholarship grant application form and an essay together with an additional DVD of the applicant’s best work.

The DVD should not be longer than 15 minutes.

Furthermore, the eligible applicant is required to submit a copy of his/her most recent high school/college transcript, letters of recommendation written by the faculty or advisors and a 450-word essay.

Besides the submission of the completed online scholarship grant application form, Video Link and a copy of your most recent high school/college transcript, you are required to write a mandatory essay and pay special attention to focus on the topic, answer the question and do not exceed the 450-word limit.

The completed application package with all the documentation attached should be sent prior to February 6th via email to info@midwestemmys.org.

If you happen to be the lucky scholarship recipient, you will be informed about that in March, when the winners are announced.

The award payment will not be made to the winner, but to his/her school in August.

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